Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank you!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone at Opera Hamilton for a memorable experience. Also a big bravo and thank you to the wonderful cast, director and conductor!
I hope to work with all of you very soon.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sing in!

Most people don't really know what goes on during a rehearsal period for an opera. I've written in the past about a typical day, but I thought I'd write a bit more about the process. The singers, director and conductor usually arrive in the host city one day before rehearsals begin. If it's your home town, then you're in luck! No planes, trains and/or automobiles not to mention jet lag. Depending on the company the first rehearsal involves sing through the opera, or a sing in. In each singer's contract it is stipulated that they must sing full voice during this rehearsal (anywhere from 3-6 hrs). They must also know the music by memory. If they do not sing full voice or do not know the music, then they are back on the plane. That's it, no second chances. Forget a pay cheque.
The sing in is one of the more stressful days. You've arrived the night before and are probably exhausted and you must sing through the opera in front of a full cast of people who you probably have never met(never mind the director of the company, conductor and other vips). This sing in is their first impression of you.
The good part is that everyone else is in the same operatic boat (sea-doo?).
After the sing in, it's on to staging the opera. This is done in order unless the director decides otherwise or unless there is a singer that is missing a rehearsal for whatever reason.
That's when the fun begins!
If you are interested in learning more about what happens behind the scenes and also hearing from the performers, you may want to download the Lyric Opera of Chicago Podcasts from iTunes. It's free!